🎧 WAS IST WAS podcast: With over 2 million downloads, KB&B takes children into the fascinating world of knowledge.

🧸 Reinert Bärchen on tour: KB&B brings Reinert Bärchen's brand world directly to families — live on the TOGGO tour.

🔍 Study on pornography and sexting: KB&B investigates sensitive topics for better child and youth protection — based on data and groundbreaking.

🔎 Die Fuchsbande: Exciting scavenger hunts transform preschool children into clever detectives — an interactive highlight from KB&B.

📖 LeseLOK and MiniLOK: Creative stories make train travel an adventure — thanks to KB&B for Deutsche Bahn.

🌍 Global repositioning for Humana: KB&B is developing an international brand platform that connects families worldwide.

📘 Educational material from the Hamburg Parliament makes democracy tangible with the support of KB&B.

We create tailor-made marketing strategies, based on in-depth analyses of market and consumer data, for family-oriented customers.

Customers who trust us

Special agency for marketing for children and families

Brand moments that inspire generations

With unique market research and creative campaigns to create everlasting brand moments.

Over 20 years, more than 5,000 successful campaigns
for children & family brands

Familie mit KindFamilie auf einer WanderungCooler TeenagerJunges Paar zeigt UltraschallbildFamilie mit Kind mit BehinderungOpa mit EnkeltochterOma und Enkelkind schmusenTeenager GeschwisterFamilie mit KindernKinder machen KissenschlachtMutter und Sohn im Teenager-Alter

Challenge: Marketing that really reaches families & children.

Our solution: Tailored campaigns that connect generations.

  • Targeted research, creative campaigns: We use deep insights to create messages that resonate with parents, children, and beyond.
  • Connect, not just communicate: Our work goes beyond generating attention. We create emotional connections that last.‍
  • Working together to achieve excellence: Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung, um Ihre Marke unvergesslich zu machen. Wir finden den Weg, Ihre Geschichte in die Herzen der Familien zu bringen.

Start now: contact usto take your marketing to the next level Let us show you how real connections are made.

Competence units for market research, audio & social media

FACT family, HEAROOZ and FUTUR2 - offer highly specialized services for children and family marketing. As a leading provider of communication with families, we help our customers achieve their marketing goals and better understand their target group.

Marktforschung für Kinder und Familien
Logo FACT family

market research

FACT family specializes in data-driven marketing and market research, tailor-made for families and children. Our goal is to support decision makers with data-based insights that are specifically tailored to the needs of families and children.
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Audio und Podcast für Kinder und Familien


HEAROOZ produces successful podcasts for kids and families and uses branded story podcasts as part of the content marketing strategy to spread brand messages in a fun and authentic way.
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Social Media für Kinder und Familien
FUTUR2 - Social Media Marketing für Familien, Eltern, Kindern & Generation Next

social media

FUTUR2 specializes in social media marketing that appeals to families and children. We create responsible content to help brands expand their fan base and increase reach. Our focus is on marketing strategies that are developed specifically for the target groups of children and families.
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Icon Glühbirne

Strategic brand management & market research

We analyse and understand families and children as a target group.

KB&B provides in-depth market research and targeted analyses to gain deep insights into the needs and behavior of target groups. On this basis, the agency develops tailor-made strategies that successfully position brands in the family and children market in the long term.

Icon Rakete

Creative & customized campaign development

We turn your brand into an experience for families.

KB&B develops creative campaigns tailored to the target group — from concepts to storytelling to multimedia implementation. The focus is on telling authentic and experiential stories that inspire families and children and at the same time clearly convey the brand message.

Icon Sprechblase

Holistic media & communication solutions

We support your brand through all relevant channels.

From traditional print advertising to digital and social platforms: KB&B ensures optimal placement of messages across all channels. Thanks to comprehensive know-how in media planning and implementation, the right families and children are reached exactly where they spend their free time.

Familie als Zielgruppe

Familien sind eine hochattraktive aber heterogene Zielgruppe. Wir zeigen Ihnen die richtige(n) Ansprache(n).

8,2 Millionen

Haushalte bestehen aus Familien mit minderjährigen Kindern.

Quellen: Statistisches Bundesamt
28,7 Millionen

Leben in einem familiären Verband (zwei Erwachsene plus ca. 1,5 Kinder)

80 Millionen
Menschen in Deutschland haben direkten oder indirekten (Oma, Opa, Onkel, Tante, …) Einfluss auf das familiäre Leben und deren Konsum.
Kinder wurden 2019 in Deutschland geboren.
Quellen: Statistisches Bundesamt
5.490 €
Nettoeinkommen von Paaren mit Kind.
Quellen: Statistisches Bundesamt
91 %
Eltern von minderjährigen Kindern die die Familie als wichtigsten Lebensbereich nennen.
Quellen: Statistisches Bundesamt
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Start your project with us!

We are experts in reaching out to families and children. Contact us for tailor-made advice and successful implementation.
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